CCIA-BML Profile
The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (CCIA-BML) is a non-profit private organization working for the public benefit. Established in 1887, the Chamber is the largest of the four Lebanese Chambers that are regulated by Ministerial Decree 36/67. The Chamber is the prime backer of the Lebanese private economy; it chairs the Federation of the Lebanese Chambers and the Lebanese Economic Organizations. The Chamber holds a substantial representation influence supported by a membership roaster exceeding 12000 member companies. Chamber strategy aims at stimulating and supporting the Lebanese business sectors to uphold the national economy.

CONECTE Accomplished Activities
The Chamber submitted a re-integration request that has not been finalized till date. However, the Chamber team contributed to the following activities:
-Communication activities: setting up CONECTE social media, regular posts of parnters news and dissemination activities to database of Chamber member SMEs.
–Developing and conducting the SMEs skills gap e-survey: converting the questions to monkey Survey, testing stage, follow up on responses, PR campaign to attract respondents, generating the reports, etc.
-Intervention of Director General Rabih Sabra in key CONECTE events: CONECTE Kick off meeting and roundtable Education/Enterprise
-Participation in CONECTE committees meetings: quality assurance, alternance, economic forecast, etc.

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